We Are AlfaCon

Meet more about us and our goals


Alfacon was created to provide study through distance learning for Brazilian civil service examination, following Distance Learning Modality. This new preparative course mode offers a great quality of attendance due to its practical, modern, attractive and didactical education system.

Alfacon is a portal of educational services specialized in video-lessons focused in civil service examinations that cover federal and state areas of Brazil. We provide to the student interactive materials, news about Brazilian examinations, and all the necessary support to contribute to the most important student’s achievement: His Civil Servant status. And it doesn’t matter his area, since we operate in all segments: Police, Admnistrative and Military.

There is another differential, the Alfacon book publisher, from where our own didactic materials come out. These materials are thought and elaborated by teachers and technical teams that understand about the subject. Alfacon is the pioneer when the point is to reach a balanced level between material and the lesson content.

Throughout history, we became reference in preparation for Brazilian civil service examination due to our high approval levels. We currently accumulate more than 303 thousand approvals. Because of this scenario, with the increasing demand, Alfacon has, besides online courses, presential study: in Cascavel, Paraná.

Alfacon has shown strength in innovation and proves its credibility in every result it presents. This is only possible because we are attentive to the demands of the public, reality of Brazilian civil service examinations and attentive to the technology applied to the education. We have the best structure when it comes to preparative courses for Brazilian civil service examination because we have the most complete structure on the market: specialized teachers and collaborators; our own didactic material; exclusive courses for every kind of examination; reliable educational system; modern technology; studios spread throughout the country for recording and transmission of classes; besides an electronic identification and security system.

When you choose Alfacon, you opt for the structure of a solid institution that offers courses in isolated disciplines, also specific combos and basics packages, providing to the students new possibilities of learning
